I’m Coming Home, Tell The World, I’m Coming Home!

It has been a whirlwind of a first month of school.  In some ways, I can’t believe it has already been a month but sometimes I feel like I’ve been in these classes for ages.  One thing different than last year is that I am much busier.  Between hard classes (see my organic chemistry rant from last week), two jobs, and more friends I’m finding it hard to find any free time at all. I’m even noticing that I’m calling home a lot less.  Last year I would call my parents every day, partly to tell them about my day but also to procrastinate (yea I actually had time to procrastinate).  This past week I only talked to my parents twice, which is very different than last year.  I barely had time to eat, so calling home was something I didn’t even think about.

So when I started thinking about this weekend I realized most of my friends were going to be frantically studying for midterms or at various weekend retreats.  I also realized it was again going to be disgustingly hot, so I thought about places I could go to stay out of the heat, then it came to me. I should go home!  I’m so lucky to live only 50 minutes away–the perfect distance.  Not close enough to feel like I’m going to school where I grew up, or like I’m going to run into my parents at the grocery store, but close enough to be able to make a day trip home, or to meet my family halfway for dinner.

In a spur of the moment decision I decided to come home today for a few hours.  I was busy last night and am busy tonight, so I can’t stay long, but having just walked in the door 20 minutes ago, I’m so glad I decided to come back, even just for a bit.  I love being reunited with my family, especially my dog, Bella.  I love the air conditioning.  I love the fully stocked refrigerator, and I love sitting at the desk that I sat at my entire schooling career, staring at the same pictures I did all through my high school life.  And how could I forget the brownies my mom makes for me to take back to school!?

I don’t get homesick when I’m at school.  How could I?  I have too much that I have to do, and so much that I want to do.  But when I do come home, I realize how lucky I am to have two wonderful places to call home.

So happy to see my pup Bella! I miss this girl so much!