Trolling Dean Feldblum

Last night was Mudd 1 Back’s sponsor group dinner at Dean Feldblum’s house. Now, one of my spibs follows the Dean on Twitter, and informed us that she often tweets photos of the sponsor groups she has over. Of course, I immediately thought that it would be a brilliant idea to all wear matching clothes. And I love my sponsor group so much because they didn’t think twice about it. In fact, the trolling was elevated to an even higher level.

(We were trying to be extra creepy by all tilting our heads in the same direction, but only half of us got the memo.)

One of my sponsor’s is a TA in Professor Sea’s lab, who just happened to be one of the faculty guests invited to the dinner. The two of themĀ collaboratedĀ and came up with the idea to give strange hobbies and interests when we were all asked. So after hearing from all the faculty guests about where they were from and what their academic and non-academic interests were, it was time to begin phase two. I present to you Mudd 1 Back’s interests outside of academics:

    • Collecting troll (this surprisingly enough was not a dead giveaway) and goblin figurines and playing chess with them
    • Dogs. So much so that she sometimes likes to put herself in the mindset of a dog and chase squirrels around campus.
    • Finger painting gorillas.
    • Photography. Particularly taking pictures of old people…’s feet.
    • Making plush toys.
    • Partying all day, everyday.
    • His pet ant named Bobert. (It’s a combination of Bob and Robert.)
    • Creating self-portraits from many different mediums and selling them on eBay.
    • Collecting bobbers and sinkers.
    • Laughing to herself on the couch.
    • Citrus. But not knives, so he has to peel oranges with his feet.
    • Bats. So much so that she developed echolocation. (Which was followed by a brilliant demonstration in which she demonstrated that she could sense there were people in the room.)
    • Collecting the creme filling from Oreos and eating bananas with his nose.
    • Counterfeiting money. She used to make $5s but her business expanded so now she prints $100s.

The best part was that we were fully believed up to the Bobert story, then there was just a general sense of confusion and amusement. Massive props to all my spibs (and sponsors) who actually managed to tell these stories to the faculty present with completely straight faces. I feel like we definitely had a unique Pomona experience that night!