Gearing Up in Admissions

First week with actual student interviews in the Admissions office! The first two weeks of our summer was dedicated to training and getting a feel for the admissions process as a whole, but now we get to sink our teeth into the real meat of the job: talking to prospective students. This part of the job is confidential, for obvious reasons, but I think it’s safe to say that the class of 2019 is going to be a very impressive bunch.

My first summer in Claremont is gearing up as well! This week saw a lot of 2014 returnees who will be on campus for the summer, and I’m starting to get a better idea of whose faces I can expect to see around campus this summer. I may not be living in the dorms, but potlucks abound in our house, so I know I’ll see a lot of folks come through before August!

While life in the “Pomona bubble” was always something we understood and knew would end, the realities of “real life” are starting to weigh down – where’s rent going to come from? How do I apartment shop? When do I have to register my car in California? Is the end point of a student identity, and thus the ethical limit of when it’s acceptable to get student discounts, really on graduation day, or does it come with being an actual adult with an actual job? Is yogurt an acceptable dinner if I don’t want to cook? All burning questions in the mind of a recent grad.

Thank God I’m still living with a big ol’ Sagehen community who can figure it all out together!