Strengthening My Voice Amid Stress as a Rising Senior

This semester, without doubt, has been another busy yet fulfilling one. Next week, for instance, will consist of an average of one public speaking engagement (e.g. admissions panel, hosting a federal judge)/final presentation each day for me. Amid all the stress and excitement, it is not too self-indulgent for me to reflect on some of the positive experience that I have had. I ...
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Studio Time

Are you compulsive about planning? Congrats, here’s another item for your list: “Studio Time” 1) A cozy café. A notepad. A pen. Plain A4 papers. Watercolor paints. Fresh cooking ingredients. A half-empty sheet music to be completed by no one other than yourself… 2) Problem sets. Research papers. Midterm exam. Presentations. Grad school applications. The MCAT. Job intervie...
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Strolling along Seashores: A ‘Taste’ of Spain

Take one step forward with your left foot — a small step suffices. Oh, no flip flops from this point on, please. Feel that delicate texture embracing your foot with such warmth and subtle sounds of acceptance. Another step forward with your right foot, and you experience a marvelous balance. Savour that sensation.  You tilt your head slightly, feel your long hair lifting...
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Junior Year Semester One Reflections: Debussy, and a Memo for My Future Self

The gentle softness. A dialogue where the two of them find phrases slipping naturally out of their inner souls, flowing, overlapping with each other at times and pausing for a restful break at others… That sheer sense of indescribable serendipity and relaxation that render you speechless: a quiet observer to this brave new world where you anticipate the unknown rises and falls....
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Growing to Love PE

It’s that time of the year again: course registration time! One of the jokes that you will hear pretty frequently at Pomona College is “I’m a PE major.” With a list of more than 70 PE classes to choose from, it’s hard to resist the temptation of trying out a few new sports while staying loyal to the old ones that you’ve always been passionate about. Hmm. That’s not quite bee...
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Three Places, Three Projects: A Research-Filled Summer

A fun, research-filled summer
   A crew of businessmen and businesswomen all dressed in black and white, confidently prancing their way down the Mid-Level Escalators while their clones emerge from various corners of the street, including the ‘underground’. A sunlit sandy beach, mysterious societies of men who pledge their allegiance to the glorious local gastronomic scene, a surreal land where imagina...
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Dear Internship Coordinator: The Untold Truths of My Cover Letter

Kyra Sanborn 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging, Surrey - 95864 Ÿ- 916.867.5309 Ÿ   Some date that makes it look like I haven't been working on this cover letter for 3 weeks, 2016   Big Giant Company 4700 If Only Rd, I Wonder if Oprah Lived Here Once, CA 99999   Dear Internship Coord...
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Remember the Sagehens

kyra swimmy
SCIAC To some, this simple acronym may seem rather underwhelming. It may sound vaguely suggestive of some reject allergy medication, or perhaps the newest dieting trend (likely focusing on eating cardboard flavored paste and/or avoiding meat, dairy, sugar, and anything else remotely edible). To me, and I think many others, it means so much more. It means four days o...
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Studying Abroad in Melbourne, Australia: The Finale

I sit here on my couch in my new Sontag suite, back on Pomona's campus, stumped as I try to organize my thoughts into a sort of summary of my experiences abroad in Melbourne. Should I mention the differences between our cultures? The prevalence of amazing Chinese and Thai restaurants? The various hilarious, crazy, and fascinating interactions with people from all over the world...
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Loss as a College Student

Grammie and her fav grandchild Kyra
I've never been one to stay sad. It's not that I haven't had the occasional minor emotional breakdown (thanks, first year Chemistry) or fictional-character-related sobbing fit (in fact, I probably have had more than my fair share by now). It's just that being sad was just so much more exhausting than pulling myself together and sucking it up. The transition never seemed so d...
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