Hunting for Scavengers

Last week I posted about a party called “Inception,” hosted by That Saturday Group, or TSG. TSG hosts fun, substance-free events and activities on Saturday nights.

My friend Alex and I got the Facebook invite and saw the flyers for “Scavenger Hunt!” and just had to go. I do Disney scavenger hunts; he’s really good at solving logic problems. We both know Pomona well. We both are full of energy. We’re pretty much the perfect team.


We also participated in TSG scavenger hunts last year together, but the one last Saturday was a format we had never before encountered. Last year, it was a list of items we had to collect. This year, it was a list of riddles that led us to locations around Pomona’s campus. We were required to take a picture of at least one team member at each location.

Here are a couple clues, if you’d like to have a go at them yourself:

“I have an older brother, he doesn’t live too far. Think back to orientation, a time so bizarre.”

“Before I was named I was just a letter. A green contribution to make the world better.”

And here are our pictures at some of the locations:

(note: we SPRINTED across campus.)

In the end, we ended up getting second place because we didn’t know where the Drug and Alcohol Counselor’s office was. First place got $30 each Claremont Cash, second place (we) got $20 each to the Coop store, and third place got free movie tickets to the theater in the village. Pretty nice, huh? I’d call that a Saturday night well-hunted.