Day One

I have officially gotten through my first day of college classes! And so concludes the Camp Pomona portion of orientation. After the mad rush and stress of our first registration (where I managed to snag the last spot in Elementary Spanish – score), it was off to class in the wee hours of the morning. Okay, it may have been 8:10am, but it still felt ridiculously early. After awkwardly waiting around outside the classroom like a true freshman for a while, I walked in only to realise that I was completely underprepared for class because where do I sit? I mean, there were only two rows so there wasn’t even a middle option… Should I sit in the front or the back… Or on the side maybe? Then I stopped myself because I was being ridiculous. So I sat down for my first ever college class (first row, slightly off to the side) and, well, class started. And it might not have been very exciting at the time, but as I’m sitting here typing this, I can’t help but smile a little because, hey, I made it. I’m really a Pomona College student.