The Election Abroad

I joined a few Sagehens (and other Americans) Tuesday evening to watch the election. Many thanks to the eight-hour time difference for making it an all-night affair. Although I petered out at (a kind of pathetic) 1AM, the rest of the group survived and celebrated around 6. It was admittedly surreal experiencing the first presidential election I’m eligible to vote for in a foreign country, especially watching the coverage on BBC. I voted three weeks ago, printing my ballot and creating a makeshift duct tape envelope for it.  A week and a half later, I received confirmation it arrived, and I could finally put my fears of its potential loss or destruction or death via air mail to rest. During my freshmen year, Professor Lorn Foster explained to me that there’s a certain fervor on campus that only manifests itself during a presidential election, which I’m sad to have missed. That being said, here are a few highlights of our own excitement, all the way in Scotland: