Fall Break (again)

As I wrote a post on Fall Break last week, I won’t repeat myself. Instead I’ll just summarize my break and put up some pictures!

On Saturday, we headed for the hot springs. Unfortunately, we managed to get ourselves into a pretty interesting situation in which our little Subaru got lost and ended up barreling down a bumpy dirt road intended for Jeeps, dirt bikes, and ATVs. After a particularly condescending interaction with a group of dirt bikers that left us hopeless about our hot springs prospects, we decided to head to Joshua Tree, since we were planning on heading there later in the day anyway. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in Joshua Tree, which was absolutely beautiful.

J Tree


After sunset and dinner, we stargazed, then headed back to campus. The next day, we headed to Point Mugu State Beach, where we were able to get a campsite directly on the beach (yay, Sunday night off-season camping!). We had a lot of fun playing on the beach and building a sand kingdom that included the Colosseum, the Pyramids, the leaning tower of Pisa, and the hanging gardens of Babylon.

sand kingdom!

sand kingdom 2


We spend Sunday night beach camping, and arrived back on campus on Monday afternoon, with another day left to catch up on homework and study for midterms.