Organisms Inhabiting My Room

1. Air plants

Photo Oct 31, 10 58 49

Air plants are absolutely fascinating creatures. As you can see, they literally live in the air. In nature, they absorb the water in the air with their leaves. Being indoors, they only need to be soaked in water for an hour once a week, or sprayed with water twice a week. They not only flourish but also bloom with so few resources. These are the most inspirational plants ever.

2. Succulents

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 My succulents collection has grown over the semester. They are simply beautiful plants. So rich in appearance and so diverse geometrically.

Photo Oct 31, 10 57 48

 “Stone flower”: they are good at disguising as pebbles.

3. Vines

Photo Oct 31, 10 53 17 Fortunately, I have a balcony this semester (a perk of being a sponsor). So I planted these flowering vines near the fences, which they can climb up. They make star-shaped red flowers!

4. Ants


Yes, they are everywhere. And people do complain about them. But I love ants. In fact, I wrote my Pomona application essay on them. In my view, they are pretty harmless animals who are just trying to feed themselves. And it is not clear whether they are invading our space or the other way around. They are incredible animals that have developed amazing systems of agriculture (yes, agriculture:, food gathering, construction, and society. That being said, I am not opposed to removing them when they are all over my bed. But I don’t think people should just kill ants that are just hanging out. In the end, the best thing to do is to not leave food in the open.

5. Dinosaurs

Photo Oct 31, 10 54 40

Well, not really. Comparatively, pretty related to them though. According to the Pomona student handbook, students are allowed to keep pets that are

Completely and consistently caged, non-poisonous pets that are legal in the state of California are permitted and then only if they do not adversely affect other residents.

in their rooms with permission. No cats or dogs are ever allowed though.

Photo Oct 31, 10 55 30

This guy is incredibly shy.

6. Sponsees

A judgmental sponsee sitting on my couch
A judgmental sponsee sitting on my couch
