Summer Transitioning

It’s the first week of summer and I am finding myself with the nagging feeling that I should be doing something productive. Going from the intensity of finals week to the ease of early summer days isn’t as simple as it sounds. But each day I wake up feeling a little more relaxed and increasingly excited about the sunny months ahead. Next week I will be travelling from my home in Chicago to the heart of New York City where I will be attending the American Ballet Theatre Collegiate Summer Intensive.

Since I arrived at home I’ve been preparing by dancing as much as possible. Going from my usual dance schedule to dancing seven to eight hours a day is a difficult transition. I see serious soreness in my future. But I am doing as much as I can to get myself in shape. I’ve been taking classes at my local dance studio and supplementing with yoga and cardiovascular exercise. It is going to take a few days of exhaustion and blistered feet, but I hope that I adjust quickly.

Before I face the challenge that awaits me in New York, I have to face the challenge of packing. I just spent a week compacting all of my possessions into boxes and suitcases and now not only must I unpack and attempt to organize all of my clothes, bedding, toiletries, etc., but I also have to pack for three weeks of dancing and more dorm living. All the black leotards and pink tights I own are going straight from one bag to another. ABT maintains a strict dress code. Along with those go two pairs of ballet slippers, three pairs of pointe shoes, jazz shoes, character shoes, and lots of warm-ups. I’ll throw some normal-person clothes in too to avoid the inevitable stares that come when you sport a leotard and fleece onesie on the subway.

Honestly, if you had told me a year ago that I would be going to a summer intensive this year, I would have thought you were joking. Most dancers who graduate high school and don’t go on to pursue professional careers in dance have to accept that they’ve already passed their peak. Very few have the opportunity to continue dancing avidly throughout college. But I was fortunate enough to able to continue pursuing ballet at Pomona with the help of talented teachers and enthusiastic fellow dancers in the Dance program. I grew so much as a dancer throughout freshman year, and I don’t think I would have been accepted into ABT’s program had I not experienced that.

So the unpacking and packing continues and so does the constant break-taking to pet my dog, make a snack, and/or check Pinterest (i.e., anything other that rolling endless pairs of tights into little balls).

I am looking forward to sharing this new experience with you!