Drawing Conclusions (A Pomona Pals Retrospective)

cartoon images of Ben and Brandolyn
By Ben Baraga ‘24 I don’t know how to draw. My hand’s way too shaky, it’s a lot of work, and half the time I don’t have the confidence to start on a project, let alone keep going after I make a mistake. But the funny thing about the pandemic, especially the pandemic during summer vacation, is that it forces you into such deep boredom that you’re willing to give every failed ...
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Somehow, Some Way, Community Finds You

group of 7 students attempting to do freeze frame jump
By Ben Baraga ‘24 Although I’ve finished my first year of college, just like the rest of my classmates, I’m mentally stuck in March of my senior year of high school! Indeed, nothing wakes you up out of a 15-month spring break like being called a “rising sophomore” and the wave of nausea that comes with it. But being bitter about a global pandemic is sooo last semester. I’...
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