My Favorite Chords are Kosher

So, it’s currently the week before Spring Break.  For many people this is equivalent to papers to write and midterms to be taken, but for me this is a pretty light week.  Two of my classes have been cancelled, I don’t have orchestra tomorrow, my weekly Environmental Education lesson is set to go…the only problem I have right now is motivating myself to get cracking on all t...
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Stop and Listen

Today I saw a hummingbird hovering by a flowering bush.  I heard a bird call, and if I knew birdcalls I could tell you what it was, but I don’t so I can’t.  Both of these birds made me think about something I probably already knew or should have known but probably brushed off: being able to stop and listen and reflect is really important.  I often come to interesting conclusion...
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The Shakedown!

As you may have read in my post about the recent Organic Dinner, ever since my freshman year when Pitzer’s Shakedown Café catered that first organic dinner it has been a goal to go eat at the Shakedown.  It’s not really that daunting of a goal, I suppose, but somehow my friends and I never managed to get there.  We tried to go for my birthday, but it’s right at the beginnin...
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So…I Guess I’m Graduating?

I remember pretty clearly that day three and a half years ago when I first came to Pomona.  We managed to fit everything into my parents’ minivan somehow and drove the hour out to Claremont from home.  I met my sponsor group, my then six-year-old brother dragged my brand new roommate all around, and we ran down College with the Pomona mascot.  Back in August 2009, “Class of...
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Pomona in Bloom

If April showers bring May flowers, what do February flowers bring?  Well, for me, a chance to explore Pomona’s campus and take lots of pictures (which, I must admit, is becoming a favorite pastime—you can find my fall pictures here).  What prompted this flower-picture-taking extravaganza?  Well, as I have mentioned, I am in the Pomona orchestra and so I frequent Thatcher.  Jus...
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Organic Dinner

Some of my favorite things about Pomona are food related (I love good food!) and so something I look forward to every year is the Organic Dinner!  It happened last night at Frank and it was absolutely delicious.  I ate waaaay too much but itwas definitely worth it.  From eggplant parmesan pizza to pumpkin ravioli, everything was pretty amazing—and organic!  Perhaps some of ...
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Presidential Traditions

This evening, I dined in style.  Why, you ask?  Well, as a member of the senior class I got to have dinner with President Oxtoby.  Alone?  Um, no (that would be weird).  There were about thirty or so of us seniors there tonight along with President and Mrs. Oxtoby and three other administrative staff members.  So we all gathered in the President’s house to have ourselves a love...
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Finding Truth in Fiction

I was thinking about what to write about and I decided to devote this post to my interest obsession with the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a vlog-style adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.  Since that’s pretty much what I’m thinking about most of the time anyway. The interesting thing about the Lizzie Bennet Diaries (LBD) is that it is taking a story that I’ve known and...
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Environmental Education Explorations

One of the things that I really wanted to focus on upon returning to Pomona from abroad was spending more of my time volunteering.  My volunteering activities usually focus on something related to kids, because I really like working with kids and being in college has a pretty limited age demographic.  So I am excited to tell you about the amazing opportunity I have this semeste...
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Gym Adventures

We’re two weeks into the spring semester, and it still feels pretty new.  At this point I could go on into how it’s my last semester at Pomona, etc etc, but I won’t.  Instead I will tell you about how even in my last semester there are still things at Pomona that are new for me.  Case in point: the weight room at the gym. (more…)
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